Join The Team!
Advertising with PrepSportsMT.com is a great way to reach people throughout all of the MHSA's Class C Western Division. Whether your small local business or a corporate entity, PrepSportsMT.com has the platform and the pricing for you!

Small Business/Booster Ads
Teams love to have local support throughout the season and into the tournaments. PrepSportsMT.com allows those private entities to purchase single ad spaces to show their support, get out-of-town customers, and give back to their team. $50 of each $150 ad purchased goes back to the school they support.
Alumni & Booster Clubs can do the same! These groups typically need more space, so we allot them the equivalent of an 8.5"x11" sheet of paper on their team's page for $300. Each purchase sees PSMT give $100 back to their school.
Contact us today to get your advertisement on your team's page for the entire season - both regular season and tournament play - at presportsmt.west@gmail.com or 406.565.2150.
Corporate Advertisers
For businesses that operate on a state or nationwide level, customer contact and acquisition are key elements of any advertising purchase. PrepSportsMT.com provides you with a proven way to reach thousands of Montanans as well as their out-of-state families and friends.
PrepSportsMT.com Info.
Service Area
The Montana High School Association's (MHSA) Western Division consists of approximately 20 schools. Participation depends on enrollments and student participation in a given year. Schools range from Charlo & Thompson Falls in the northwest to Lima in the south and out to Manhattan Christian and Gardiner in the east.
PrepSportsMT.com has been covering the MHSA's Class C Western Division since the '23 Volleyball postseason. Only using word of mouth advertising in that two-week span, PSMT collected over 7,000 site visits.
During the '24 Boys & Girls Basketball District & Divisional Tournaments it was fully advertised among the participating schools and realized over 90,000 site visits - in just TWO WEEKS!
For the '24 volleyball season and the '24-'25 basketball season, PrepSportsMT.com will be providing nightly reporting on each of the 20 schools contests and postseason. Considering its popularity during the postseason trial runs, PSMT estimates it will hit in excess of 750,000 site visits from September through February.
Corporate Ad Buys for PSMT are $150/Team Page or an ad on every Team Page for $2,500 (a $500 savings). These ads can be linked to a corporate/area website, social media, or email, address.
If you'd like more information or to buy your ad space, please contact us at presportsmt.west@gmail.com or 406.565.2150.